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Join us in the Children’s Services department for Piggy Bank Theater! You'll decorate your own robot or unicorn bank, and learn about what it takes to earn, spend, and save by participating in the Piggy Bank Theater game. This program was made possible by Thinking Money for Kids, a grant provided to the library by the American Library Association.

¡Únete a nosotros en el departamento de Servicios para niños para el Teatro de la Alcancía! Decorarás tu propia alcancía de robot o de unicornio y aprenderás lo que se necesita para ganar, gastar y ahorrar participando en el juego Teatro de la Alcancía.Este programa fue posible gracias a Thinking Money for Kids, una subvención otorgada a la biblioteca por la American Library Association.

Saturday, March 8, 2025
2:00pm - 3:00pm
Children's Services Department

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